Octa Garden
About Octa Garden
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
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Benefits Of Octa Garden

Eat Healthier
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Fresh And Clean Products
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Modern Process
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Self Sufficient
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How Octa Garden Works
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
Get Eay access to fresh produce with minimum fuss simply follow the manual instruction to install the system. the compartments forming eight layers or towers of the garden deploy the best quality, food-grade, virgin plastic.
Octa Garden can be used for a single or several types of vegetables simultaneously. it is portable and moduler, making it easy to set up or shift from one location to another. Each octa garden is self-sufficients, with a 40 litre water tank capable of irrigating the tower for upto 20days at stretch

Boost Growth


Safe & Hygienic
Ready to Install Octa Garden?
Buy NowWhat all you can grow
Safe food by adopting sustainable practices & effective use of technology
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