Vertical Farm In a Box
OCTA GARDEN is an aeroponics based vertical plant growing system that takes only 2*2 Square Feet space to grow 32-48 plants. It helps you grow your own food without worrying about watering the plants. The Automated Irrigation System with a water reservoir of approx 40 litre can last upto 7-10 days, which makes the entire operation stress free.

Requires Just 2*2 Sq Ft Space (1 Sq Meter)

DIY Modular kit

Automatic Watering Control System

Grow 32-40 Plants for Nutrition or Aesthetic

Plant to Plate

No Carbon Foot Prints
Grow what you like
- Redefine Fresh
NoSoil,No Dirt
- Low Maintenance
Produce With Minimum Fuss
Within your Reach
Water Reservoir for 7-10 days
Octa Garden Ideal for
The OCTA Garden offers a scientific and environment-friendly solution for planting a revolution and making spaces green.
Pick a solution according to your location
Home Garden
Home cum Office
Commercial Spaces
For A healthier you.
Buy NowThe Need
If the quality of food consumed is of such great significance, then it is pertinent we ensure that whatever we eat is fresh, grown in hygienic and conducive conditions and above all, is delicious.

How Octa Garden Works
For Home – get the DIY kit and follow the instructions in the user manual to install and use it as plug and play device.
For Commercial – the system is designed according to the land available and products to be installed. Contact us to design your farm with complete automation

The Controller
The controller comes with multiple modes, which can be

Irrigation based on Temperature
Based on the algorithm set by Green tangents, in this mode, the water pump starts according to the outside temperature. Higher the temperature more water may be needed by the plants.

Cyclic Timer
Some crops do not require water every hour, so through this mode is possible to set the water pump to work at specific repetitive intervals. For instance, you can set the water pump to start every 4 hours (240 minutes).

Real Time
In few cases, plants need water only in early morning or night or at another prefixed time only. As such, the irrigation controller can be set to work accordingly in real time for a particular duration.

Manual Mode
This mode helps in operating the controller manually. You can switch the water on as and when you feel it is required by the plants. This can be especially helpful in early sapling stage, to clean the systems or to test the systems / motor.

A separate controller can be installed for commercial projects to operate and monitor the farm remotely. Using wireless network technology, this controller can be accessed remotely; data collected for study and research; operate various functions of commercial farms; etc.
Ready to Install Octa Garden?
Buy NowWhat all you can grow
OCTA GARDEN supports several varieties of vegetables, fruits including leafy greens and vines, along with ornamental flowers to take care of not just your consumption needs but also for enhancing aesthetics.